Simply Coding for kids. Students will learn to code their own games, websites, minecraft mods, and apps. We also teach typing and scratch mit courses too for the younger children. We are an accredited STEM k ? 12 coding curriculum for students, online schools, and coding summer camps partnered with colleges. Your child will be able to explore and go at their own pace and we?re there to help every step of the way with live chat, weekly webinars, and 1 on 1 screen share support. There are also fun game design competitions that we do periodically. Don't consume it. Create it.
Keywords: coding for kids in Saratoga Springs, coding classes for kids, coding games for kids, minecraft camp, scratch coding for kids, online coding classes for kids, python for kids in Saratoga Springs, coding apps for kids in Saratoga Springs, coding camp for kids in Saratoga Springs, coding curriculum for kids in Saratoga Springs